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King's College London

King’s College London is one of the top 20 universities in the world (2015/16 QS World University Rankings) and among the oldest in England. King’s has more than 27,600 students (of whom nearly 10,500 are graduate students) from some 150 countries worldwide, and nearly 6,800 staff.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 984 articles

A cabeça recriada de Shanidar Z, feita pelos irmãos Kennis para o documentário da Netflix “Secrets of the Neanderthals” (Segredos dos Neandertais), com base em escaneamentos em 3D do crânio reconstruído. BBC Studios/Jamie Simonds

A reconstrução do rosto de uma neandertal de 75.000 anos faz com que ela pareça bastante amigável - há um problema com isso

Os cientistas ainda não sabem como os tecidos moles se sobrepõem aos ossos, portanto, essa reconstrução é inevitavelmente baseada em uma licença artística.
La cabeza de Shanidar Z, realizada por los hermanos Kennis para el documental de Netflix ‘Secretos de los neandertales’, a partir de escaneos 3D del cráneo reconstruido. BBC Studios/Jamie Simonds

La reconstrucción del rostro de una mujer neandertal de hace 75 000 años la hace parecer simpática, pero hay un problema en su idealización

Los científicos aún no pueden determinar cómo se superponen los tejidos blandos a los huesos, por lo que esta reconstrucción de la mujer neandertal Shanidar Z se basa inevitablemente en licencias artísticas.
The recreated head of Shanidar Z, made by the Kennis brothers for the Netflix documentary ‘Secrets of the Neanderthals’ based on 3D scans of the reconstructed skull. BBC Studios/Jamie Simonds

The reconstruction of a 75,000-year-old Neanderthal woman’s face makes her look quite friendly – there’s a problem with that

Scientists can’t yet tell how soft tissue overlayed bones, so this reconstruction is inevitably based on artistic licence.


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